Thursday, January 7, 2010

Frankenstein + Jersey Shore

So I've been thinking about Frankenstein lately.  Or rather, Frankenstein's creation - a monstrous being he created in the search for the secret to life.

 And then I started thinking about Jersey Shore.  (Work with me here).

I don't even watch this show but I've heard about it so much that I know that this guy's nickname is "The Situation."

As we are finding Corpus - one of the three dance plays that makes up For the Love Of..., I have been returning to these two cultural landmarks. 

I'm intruiged by our colletive obsession with the body and with being attractive.  Victor Frankenstein made his monster out of old body parts.  It was only once they were fully assembled and came to life that he was horrified by his creation.  It occurs to me that The Situation is in some way one of those monsters.  He is endowed with physical attributes that our culture typically finds attractive:

1.  Thick hair
2. Tanned or golden skin
3. A muscular, toned body
4. Confidence

However, once combined, they become horrifying (or at least that's my opinion).

Your thoughts?

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